Monday, February 7, 2011

Nadine and Sylvie

1 comment:

  1. FACT: all of U.S. will croak someday sometime somewhere; FACT: our souls are also indelible, girl, meaning they never die, they’re eternal. I believe Almighty God made U.S. that way precisely because God loves U.S. and God wants us to enjoy the splendours of Heaven… yet, there’s also a third choice of whether we wanna follow the whorizontal deceit, the relativism of this zoological psychosis of the Devilish world which turns U.S. away or follow God. One other choice to think about: how lengthy is this finite existence VS. the utter vastness of the universe which we may take part in? That’s free will. Make your choice, girl. I know where I’m going. Personally? I’d looove to have you where I am after our demise and being your servant to kiss your feets HintHint God bless you, miss gorgeous.
